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5 Great YouTube Channels For Learning Blender

Blender is a fantastic and totally free platform for 3D design. It doesn’t exist in a vacuum either – at any point in your design process you can export what you have into multiple file formats popular in the 3D model world (.obj, .gltf, etc) for use on other platforms (including Metaverse worlds like Decentraland).

Blender export options

1) Blender Guru

Have to start with one of the most well-known names in the Blender community, Andrew Price, who goes by the appropriate title of “Blender Guru”. He is extremely skilled at 3D modeling while also very good at breaking ideas and processes down to an easily understood level for beginners. He’s also just has a great personality.

2) CG Geek

Blender isn’t just great for 3D modeling but also for animation. CG Geek’s channel puts an easy-to-follow approach to learning how to design and animate characters and environments. This channel doesn’t stick to one particular style and teaches how to model low-poly art as well as realistic scenes. The lengths of the tutorials are varied as well.

3) Blender Daily

This channel offers tutorials to tools and techniques on Blender you may not have even considered. Like photogrammetry or a free add-on to generate random spaceships. The “daily” part of their title is misleading as the channel takes longer to post nowadays but there is a great archive of content still on the channel to catch up.

3) Blender Secrets

This channel is great for people who are already somewhat familiar with Blender as it goes into various shortcuts on Blender designs, such as retopology with grease pencil, or radial arrays. If those words seemed like gibberish, it might be too soon to binge this channel, but still good to subscribe in the meantime for when you’re ready.

4) Ducky 3D

Nathan Duck, who goes by the name Ducky 3D, has a channel that focuses on visually stunning techniques, such as holograms or plasma orbs in 3D. For people who want Blender to create movie-quality special effects for sci-fi or cyberpunk art, this is the perfect channel for that.

5) Polygon Runway

This is a go-to channel for those looking to design clean, low-poly models and isometric scenes. The channel has both tutorials and time lapse videos where you can quickly see the overall design process.

Clean and smooth low-poly models are the style for today’s cartoony game environments and very popular for Metaverse platforms.

Some notable others include Chipp Walters (an industrial designer who’s worked  Apple, Sony, and NASA!) PixelTrain, Grant Abbitt, and Bbbn19. The Blender community is gigantic so definitely be on the lookout for emerging and established content creators not on this article.

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